# eval ## Syntax ##
EVAL <command(s)>
## Parameters ## The commands to evaluate. ## Description ## Evaluates the given commands and executes them; you can use internal variables and separate multiple commands by using the `;` character. If the command contains a string with `$`, `\` or `;` those characters need to be escaped: `$' -> `$$' `\' -> `\\' (or even `\\\\', depending on where they are used) `;' -> `\;' ## Examples ## /EVAL echo I am connected to ${S} on ${chatnet} as ${N} /EVAL echo My user privileges are +${usermode}; echo Let's party! to print `1;2$3\4`: /EVAL echo 1\;2$$3\\4 ## References ## [https://github.com/irssi/irssi/blob/master/docs/special_vars.txt](https://github.com/irssi/irssi/blob/master/docs/special_vars.txt) ## See also ## [CAT](/documentation/help/1.4/cat), [CD](/documentation/help/1.4/cd), [ECHO](/documentation/help/1.4/echo), [EXEC](/documentation/help/1.4/exec)